Saturday, August 29, 2009

Station Fire -- DC 10 Super Tanker

From our house we watched airplanes and helicopters fly to and from the Station Fire, which is burning west and north of Pasadena. By far the biggest plane in the sky was this orange and white tanker that flew probably a dozen or more missions. Based on a quick search, I think this is a DC 10 Super Tanker. Photos and film of the tanker are here. According to, the plane can carry 12,000 gallons of water or fire retardant and is a "game changer."

I was amazed at how low this huge plane was flying. On this shot, I just leaned back and looked up.

In other fire related news, we just took in some chickens that have been displaced. So far all birds seem to be on their best behavior. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you created this post. I have been trying to identify a plane that's been flying over my house for about the last week and when I'm not under a flight path. I'm in Colorado Springs and there are several fires in the area. I was going crazy trying to identify the plane, thank you!